Lesson Plan 1 Computer Bingo
Technology Lesson Plans For Kids

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Computer Bingo
grade level: k and up

DO KNOW: Ask the Students would they like to play a game. Ask what kinds of games have they played. Ask have anyone plauyed bingo.

OBJECTIVE; The learner will develop his/her vocabulary and reading skills word game. Also, the learner will be able to use various computer skills that have been learned in class.

MATERIALS: computer, word processing program, paper, pencil, blicks, sight hword cards, sight word board (you can create sight work cards and board) To help student learn are recognize computer vocabulary, you can add words such as Mouse, Kepboard, Monior, CPU etc and place them on you bard, and cards.

1. The student will be asked to sit in cooperative learning groups of 5. The teacher will axplain that they are going to play a fun game called word bingo. The rules of the game are exaclty like bingo. Instead of winning by way of getting all the words in a row, they must fill the entire card to win.

2. The teacher or able student will call out the a sight word on the list on the sight word chart (you can creat a list of sight words on big piece of bullition board paper. You want the student's to see the words as you point to them in he board.

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